Tag Archives: Childhood

Setting the stage for success: Promoting social and emotional health in young children

Parents and caregivers do much to help promote healthy development. Photo credit: Pixabay.

By Carrie Shrier, Michigan State University Extension

What is social and emotional health? What role does it play in children being ready and able to succeed in school and life? Much emphasis is placed on teaching young children their ABC’s, colors, shapes and numbers in preparation for heading off to Kindergarten. Research, however, is showing that one of the greatest predictors of children’s success in school is their social and emotional health.

According to the Early Childhood Investment Corporation, social and emotional health is a child’s developing capacity to experience and regulate emotions, form secure relationships, and explore and learn. This all happens within the context of one’s family, community and culture background.

Parents and caregivers do much to help promote healthy development. Many of these are things you are already doing every day with the children in your care. Other skills take targeted effort to develop within the context of your home or child care center. However, it is well worth the effort to plan for children’s social and emotional development in the same manner we do for academic success. Michigan State University Extension believes that children who understand and cope with their emotions usually:

  • Perform better academically
  • Form stronger relationships with their peers and adults
  • Have fewer behavioral problems
  • Handle their own negative emotions better
  • Lead happier, healthier and less stressful lives

One key strategy to prompting children’s social and emotional development is through the use of children’s literature. Books provide a wealth of opportunities to teach young children about their emotions, how to identify and label their feelings, how to problem solve, and to see characters engaging in situations that might be similar to their every day life. MSU Extension offers Family Book Sheets to help parents and child care providers expand on these concepts beyond reading the book.

Even as very young toddlers, children can learn to express their feelings appropriately and learn to label their emotions. For example, teaching toddlers to sign the word “stop” instead of biting when they feel frustrated. Give preschoolers the opportunities to be reflective about their feelings and expose them to a wide variety of feeling words beyond just happy, sad and mad. Take the time to say in front of the children in your care that, “It is frustrating when the CD player won’t work!” or “It’s disappointing that it’s raining and we can’t go outside today.”

It’s also important to teach children friendship skills. What does being a good friend look like? Are you modeling that for your children? Teach empathy by being empathetic and recognizing emotions in others. Provide positive verbal support to children who are “caught” engaging in positive play with their peers. Practicing turn taking and build in opportunities for children to help each other, such as serving snack to their peers.

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu/newsletters. To contact an expert in your area, visit http://expert.msue.msu.edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

Developing family rules

Courtesy Michigan State University Extension

By Kylie Rymanowicz, Michigan State University Extension


Setting family rules is the first step to establishing boundaries for your child’s behavior. Rules tell your children what you value, what is important to you and your family. When rules are enforced, it is an opportunity for children to practice making decisions and dealing with the consequences of their choices. Boundaries that you set will help guide your child’s behavior.


Michigan State University Extension has some tips to help set and enforce family rules.


Keep the rules simple. The more complicated a rule, the harder it is to remember. Keep your rules short and simple so it is easier for young children to learn and remember. Rules for young children should be very easy to understand and there should be as few rules as possible.


Make sure rules are enforceable. Rules or boundaries should be connected to consequences, or what will happen if the rule is broken. Set consequences that are fair and reasonable and give your child the opportunity to learn to make better choices in the future.


Enforce rules consistently. If a rule is only enforced some of the time, your child will notice and they will learn that the rule doesn’t need to be followed. Make sure you enforce rules consistently and as soon as possible. This helps build a cause-and-effect relationship for your child (if I do this, then this will happen). This will help them learn to make better choices in the future.


Remind the rule. Kids need lots of reminders about rules and boundaries. Post a picture chart for your family rules in the house where your child will be able to see them regularly. Remind your child of the rules often, and give the warnings so they have the opportunity to change their behavior before facing consequences.


Remember that rules are for everyone. If you set a rule for your family and you break it, you are sending a message to your child that you do not value that rule. It’s important to practice what you preach and impact upon your child that the rule is so important, even you will follow it.


Family rules can help calm the chaos and set limits that will help your child understand boundaries and learn to make good choices.


For more articles on child development, academic success, parenting and life skill development, please visit the Michigan State University Extension website.


To learn about the positive impact children and families experience due to MSU Extension programs, read our 2017 impact report. Additional impact reports, highlighting even more ways Michigan 4-H and MSU Extension positively impacted individuals and communities in 2017, can be downloaded from the Michigan 4-H website.