Wyoming creates new, colorful crosswalks for public safety

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

Last week the City of Wyoming wrapped up a project designed to help improve public safety while promoting local school pride.

On Jun 7, 2022 the Wyoming City Council awarded a contract to Gallagher Asphalt Corporation for $100,500 to install four art-based crosswalks that were placed in the Kelloggsville, Godwin Heights, Godfrey-Lee and Wyoming Public School districts. The total project was $110,550 which included a 10 percent construction contingency of $10,050.

The project was funded by $90,000 in grants from the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and a $10,000 grant from the General Motors Corporation.

Creating a safer community

“Using art to transform our city into a safer, more desirable community is part of what we do here in Wyoming,” said Major Jack Poll. “We hope this project will be another opportunity to enhance recognition that residents are part of one community, one City of Wyoming, regardless of where they live and which school district they attend.”

In her recommendation of the project, city’s Director of Community Services Rebecca Rynbrandt said “innovative painting of crosswalks is shown to be effective in increasing public awareness of the crosswalk for drivers and encourages increased use by pedestrians with an impact of reducing car and pedestrian accidents.


“This project is designed to increase community awareness of the number of school districts located in the city, increase school district pride, and to enhance resident recognition of being a part of one community, one Wyoming.”

Identifying the locations

The city has seven school districts within its city boundaries. Originally, five school districts, the four mentioned plus Grandville, where selected.

The COVID pandemic delayed the project and then it was delayed again when new estimate exceeded $100,000 and additional funding had to be secured. Grandville was removed from the list as funding came through the CDBG program, which restricts investment to low and moderate income areas of the city.


Wyoming’s Community Services Department staff worked with Public Safety to discuss emergency response needs and identify a location within each school district that would benefit from a new crosswalk. Information also was gathered from the city’s traffic engineers.

The designs were created by staff in consultation with each school district. The design features a white and turquoise stripped pattern with the school’s logo.


The final locations of the sidewalks are:

Godfrey-Lee Public Schools: Lee Street and Cleveland Avenue

Wyoming Public Schools: Near the Wyoming High School on Prairie Parkway between Michael and Burlingame avenues

Godwin Heights Public Schools: 34th Street and Buchanan Avenue

Kelloggsville Public School: Magnolia Avenue and Farnham Street

The Grandville Public Schools location, which is to be 52nd and Wilson Avenue, is scheduled to be constructed in 2023 when additional funds become available. The Grandville school district services most of the city’s panhandle population.

