The Two Best Friends

(Courtesy, pxhere)

By Maya and Victoria

4th Grade Youth Contributors

AnchorPoint Christian School

Once upon a time there were two best friends and their names were Maya and Victoria. They were watching a movie and eating rainbow popcorn with extra rainbow butter and rainbow gummies, and then someone spilled a Dragon fruit-drink on the remote, and then the whole house shook.

And then they got sucked into the T.V. Then they got pooped out of the portal, and they landed on a gargantuan marshmallow. Then they got stuck in a marshmallow to their waist, and they had to eat their way out. It took them an hour.

After that, they saw a dogocorn and a unicorn. Then, the dogocorn and unicorn ask Maya and Victoria to help them. They agree to help, but only if there is a way to get home. They said they need to beat the evil turtle.

The only way to destroy it is true love.

They all work together to find a boy turtle. When they do find him, he has an awesome singing voice. His name is Timmy. Then they bring him to the evil turtle’s castle.

Timmy knows she is really pretty, so then they get married. The evil turtle is no longer evil. She is really nice and sweet, and her name is Mia. Then Mia shows them a secret portal.

They go home and live happily ever after.

The End

P.S. Dogo Corn made everything a mess.

Victoria (Courtesy, Kim Omanchi)
Maya (Courtesy, Kim Omanchi)

Maya (left) and Victoria are 4th grade students at AnchorPoint Christian School.

The Two Best Friends was a collaborative effort between Maya and Victoria, and is their first published work.

