Tag Archives: pumpikins

In Love and Health: The Great Pumpkin

By Dr. Erik Johnson
Love and Health Chiropractic

With Halloween right around the corner, kids are thinking trick-or-treat and adults are stocking up on bags of candy. As if that won’t be enough sugar, every grocery store has Halloween-theme decorated cupcakes and cookies. The pumpkin spice must flow. No wonder kids come down with colds and flu in early November. Sugar can impair the body’s natural immune response and leave us more vulnerable to germs and viruses. (Since we are still in the middle of a global COVID-19 pandemic, this is pretty important information.)

It’s a shame that all eyes (and tastebuds) are focused on sweets when another Halloween celebrity offers a host of health benefits. Pumpkins! 

One of the first cultivated foods of the Americas, pumpkins were a staple food in Oaxaca (Mexico) as early as 8750 BC—long before corn or beans. By 2700 BC, they had spread to the eastern United States. The Pueblo, Apaches, Hopi, Navajo, Havasupai, Papago, Pima and Yuman all counted on the pumpkin’s flesh and seeds as a staple food. They roasted the seeds and ate them with chili powder or mixed with fruits and nuts. As for the flesh, they roasted, dried or boiled it. Mashed boiled pumpkin was mixed with batter or syrup or used to thicken soup. Dried pumpkin was sliced into rings and hung in storerooms for winter.

Pumpkin flesh is low in fat and rich in nutrients. One cup of cooked pumpkin provides three grams of fiber, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A, C and E—200% of your daily requirement of vitamin A (for healthy eyes). It also provides carotenoids, which can help lower your risk for cancer.

Pumpkin seeds have anti‐microbial benefits, including anti‐fungal and antiviral properties. So, they are a great snack during the cold and flu season. Studies on laboratory animals have shown pumpkin seeds may improve insulin regulation and help kidney function. Because they are an excellent source of the mineral zinc, the World Health Organization recommends eating them. Eating whole, roasted unshelled pumpkin seeds gives you the most zinc.

You can roast the pumpkin seeds you remove from your Jack O’Lantern. And you can buy pumpkins seeds at most grocery stores. They are also called pepitas. Pepitas are a very popular snack in the Latinx culture, perhaps because some of their ancestors were among the first in the world to discover and cultivate pumpkins.

If your Jack O’Lantern goes bad before you have a chance to roast it, look for “pie pumpkins” in your store’s produce department or at the U-M Health West Farm Market—and try a recipe besides pie!

Another way to boo-ooo-oost your immune system is to come in for a chiropractic adjustment. Keeping your spine aligned helps your brain, gut, immune system, and other body organs to work better with each other and keep you healthy naturally.

Dr. Erik Johnson DC is a chiropractor at Love and Health Chiropractic in Wyoming at 1586 44th Street SW.