Tag Archives: Linda Odette

Should I stop or should I go? Too many motorists just don’t know

Bus directors aim to educate public on safety rules


Students arrive at Forest Hills Northern Trails 5/6 School after riding the bus

By: Linda Odette – School News Network


When you see red lights on the school bus start flashing in front of you, it always means stop, right?


And when you see yellow hazard lights flashing down low on the school bus in front of you, it always means you can keep going, right?


The simple answers: Red means stop. Yellow means you don’t have to, but be careful.


Confused? Many drivers are, said Fred Doelker, safety and training director for Dean Transportation, which provides bus transportation for all but two of the 20 school districts in the Kent ISD. Explaining what red and yellow school bus lights mean is part of his job.


The key difference is whether those yellow lights are flashing on the top of the bus above the windows, or the hazard lights are flashing below the windows. (See an illustration of the difference)


When the big yellow lights next to the red lights on top of the bus are flashing, motorists should prepare to stop. That’s because the red lights will come on soon and the red stop sign will be put out.


Doelker compares it to a car going through an intersection. When you see a yellow traffic light, you know the red light will come on shortly.


schoolnewsnetwork4When It’s OK to Pass


“The confusion comes in with the yellow hazard-light stop,” Doelker said of the lower yellow lights at the middle of the bus. “Lots of times when drivers see these, they don’t know what to do, but they think they should stop.”


That’s wrong. When these yellow hazard lights are blinking, you can drive around the bus with caution.


Doelker gives another example: You’re driving down the road and meet a bus with red lights and a stop sign displayed, so you stop. You wait until the red lights go off and stop sign is down, and you pass the bus. You drive a ways farther and see another bus with yellow hazard lights on and wonder if you can go around it. Yes, you can — cautiously.


Another “should-I-stay or should-I-go” situation that confuses motorists occurs when buses are traveling multi-lane, divided roads (like the East Beltline), he explained. You stop when you see a bus ahead of you put on its flashing red lights. A car on the opposite side of the divided road drives past the bus, even though the vehicle has its red lights flashing. Then you mutter, “Why does that driver get to go and not me?”


The multi-lane, divided road is what makes the difference in this situation, Doelker said. If there is a median dividing the highway, you don’t have to stop for a bus on the opposite side of the road with red lights on. However, if there is no physical barrier between opposing lanes, red lights mean all drivers must stop.


Darryl Hofstra is transportation director for Forest Hills Public Schools

A Chronic and Dangerous Problem


Darryl Hofstra, Forest Hills Public Schools transportation director, said cars passing by buses illegally is a significant problem in his district. “It’s chronic,” he said, adding that each bus driver probably sees several every day, and most of the time it’s cars approaching from the front.


Hofstra, who gets behind the wheel of a bus when the district is short on drivers, was on the Michigan Association of Pupil Transportation board for 12 years. He still serves on a state school bus safety legislative committee.


In a 2015 survey by the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services, Michigan bus drivers reported 1,031 illegal passes of the 1,543 buses that participated. That’s more than 10,000 illegal passes in one day, if applied to all stops.


Doelker finds it “frightening” several thousand illegal “pass-bys” can happen in one day. “I don’t know why people go around,” he said. “I don’t know if they don’t know any better, if they don’t care or if they’re distracted.”


His concerns are grounded in long experience. A nearly six-year veteran of Dean Transportation, in March he received the Richard H. Austin Long-Term Traffic Safety Award from the Michigan Governor’s Traffic Safety Advisory Commission. He also worked for 32 years as community safety coordinator with the AAA Auto Club Group.


Doelker put together a proposal for the Michigan Department of Highway Safety Planning earlier this year. It asked for funding to study why drivers are illegally passing school buses during student loading and unloading. However, his proposal was not funded.


Dean Transportation encourages districts to design routes with pickups only on the right side of the road, because they say it’s safer. The state of Michigan requires and provides 24 hours of bus safety training, plus six hours every two years of continuing education.


Fred Doelker is the safety and training director for Dean Transportation
Fred Doelker is the safety and training director for Dean Transportation

Students Need to be Taught


Accidents nearly always involve the bus a student rides, not a motorist driving by illegally, Doelker said. “Students do something unexpected — like run to the bus before it is stopped — and the bus driver doesn’t see it.


“We really encourage bus drivers and parents to work together and teach their children to be safe at school bus stops.”


After two students were killed when the car they were driving ran into the back of a Coopersville school bus in 2011, Rep. Holly Hughes, R-Montague, introduced a bill to add more lighting to buses. A pilot study tested in 10 school districts, including three buses in the Forest Hills district, put LED lights with words on the back doors of the bus. “Caution — Stopping” flashed in amber when a bus prepared to stop. “Stopping — Do Not Pass” flashed in red when the bus was stopping.


Hofstra advised motorists to take bus safety seriously and personally.


“Whenever you see a school bus, use extreme caution,” he said. “Think of it as though you were a parent or grandparent and those were your kids in the bus.”


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Surprise! Good Vision and Learning are Linked

School News Network Vision Test
Kent County Health Department vision and hearing technician Denise Knight asks Murray Lake Elementary kindergartener Marley Beauchamp what the dots on a page look like to her.

By: Paul R. Kopenkoskey, Charles Honey, Erin Albanese and Linda Odette – Schools News Network

Marley Beauchamp slips on a pair of 3-D glasses, but it’s not because she plans to munch popcorn while watching a popular animated film.

Instead, Kent County Health Department vision and hearing technician Denise Knight holds in front of the Murray Lake Elementary kindergartener a book that shows a page with a seemingly random array of dots printed on it. Knight asks Marley what she sees, but she is hesitant to answer. Knight then asks if she sees a butterfly. Can she touch the wings on the page? Marley shakes her head “no.”

Known as the Butterfly Stereo Activity Test, this is one of a battery of eyesight evaluations the health department conducts. The screening does not diagnose a potential vision problem, but may refer a student to an eye-care professional for further examination.

“For her to pass the test, she has to see a butterfly,” Knight said. “It pops out as a 3-D image.”

Michigan law requires hearing and vision screening prior to admission to kindergarten. Once a child is in school, free screenings continue on a regular basis, specifically between ages 3 and 5, and then first, third, fifth, seventh and ninth grades. Screenings are provided at no cost to families, and are conducted by a local health department, usually in school.

Seeing is Learning

Whether it’s learning how to read or do fractions, good vision and learning are connected. Experts say around 80 percent of what a student learns in school is from information presented visually.

Students who can’t see properly don’t have a learning disability, but it can be a sign of possible eye health and refractive problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or color blindness, among others. And that can make it tough to understand and remember what was taught.

Those are key reasons why the Kent County Health Department’s vision program, which provides screenings in all schools in Kent County, checks for several things: visual acuity, eye muscle function, nearsightedness, farsightedness and symptoms of other possible eye problems.

In Kent County, of the 52,427 children screened during the 2014-15 school year, 4,620 were referred to an eye-care provider.

Of those, 2,202 students did go to an eye-care provider for an evaluation and treatment, if needed, said Chris Buczek, public health supervisor for KCHD’s hearing and vision screening programs.

Parents may also schedule to have their children screened by appointment at the KCHD, 700 Fuller Ave. NE. They usually choose this option if:

  • They or school staff have a concern and the student was absent when the KCHD was at the school
  •  The family is new to the area
  • The child will be entering kindergarten and was not in a preschool or Head Start, where they would have been screened
  • The student was unable to follow the directions for a successful eye screen when a KCHD technician was at the school

“Often, parents may not even be aware we have been there at the school unless the child does not pass,” Buczek said. “We are required to send letters to parents of all students who do not pass. Some schools will publish in their newsletter that we are coming.”

School News Network Vision 2
Vision screenings are essential, experts say, because students may not be aware they can’t see correctly, which can snowball into other problems.

Vision screenings are essential because students may not be aware they can’t correctly see, which can snowball into other problems.

“It is not uncommon for students to have some behavior issues, such as lack of concentration or listening, if they cannot see,” Buczek said. “And students may be able to see better with one eye than the other. This could be amblyopia, where one eye does the work of both, and the ‘not-as-good eye’ is in danger of shutting off. This is the main concern for preschool-aged children, since if it is caught early, treatment can be done to diminish the issue.”

Steve Jepson, president and chief operating officer of Michigan-based Rx Optical, says increased screen time is also being researched for long-term effects on the eyes.

“Many believe that this damage is similar to an accelerated aging of the retina, which is irreversible and has the potential to significantly compromise vision at much younger ages,” he said.

Districts, Professionals Lend a Hand

Sometimes it’s a financial struggle for parents to have their children checked out by an eye-care professional or to pay for glasses. In those cases, school districts can often help bridge the gap.

Forest Hills Public Schools participates in a program called VSP Sight for Students, which covers the cost of an eye exam and glasses for those with no insurance who can’t afford the services and meet specific income guidelines.

If students at Byron Center Public Schools need glasses and parents can’t afford them, they’re referred to BC Ministries. The local group assists families with paying for a more thorough examination and, if needed, glasses through one of the local optometrists.

The Godfrey-Lee district has Cherry Street Health Services come to the schools for a period of time during the school year. The independent nonprofit only assesses students whose parents have completed a form for services through Cherry Street, regardless of whether they have had glasses in the past.

Cherry Street will test students for vision, refer to them to a specialist if needed and furnish glasses for those who need them or need their current prescription updated. They also test for glaucoma, while the district’s nurse, Rebecca Quigley, also inquires about other diseases.

Students age 10 and older can also be seen any time during the school year by appointment in any of the district’s school-based health centers, which are housed at Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School and City High School, as well as Burton Elementary/Middle School. Grand Rapids Public Schools nurses and health department staff work to help families receive follow-up care for students who fail their screenings. Some of GRPS’ schools take part in the See to Succeed Program, provided through Cherry Health Services, which provides dilated eye exams, vision screenings and glasses, if required.

“Parents are notified by their individual school buildings of upcoming screenings via school newsletters and other forms of communication,” said Laura Martzke, GRPS nursing supervisor.

Kelloggsville participates in Cents for Kids, which is funded entirely by the district’s employees through payroll deduction or one-time donation, said Tammy Savage, director of instruction.

Local Businesses Step Up

Signs may need glassesDr. Troy LeBaron, owner of Professional Eyecare of West Michigan in Kentwood, has provided free eye exams, frames and lenses to students who are referred by Kent School Services Network, a Kent ISD effort that brings health and human services directly into schools.

Last year, LeBaron’s help amounted to at least $25,000 in exam costs and materials, including repairs or replacement of broken or damaged glasses, he said.

“Over the past few years we have roughly seen around 400 students, and that feels really good,” he said.

LeBaron sets aside time to serve students who can’t afford glasses, as identified by KSSN coordinators. He fits in emergency appointments as well. Students must be referred through school.

“My reward is helping these students become productive members of our community and the many thank-you cards that we have received,” LeBaron said.

He’s expanded his services, which started with low-income students in Kentwood two years ago, to other districts that notify him about a student. He said more people have learned the importance of annual vision and heath exams as a result.

“Teachers are becoming very good at detecting vision-related learning disorders,” he said.

Sparta Area Schools works in tandem with the health department, the Sparta Lions Club and a local optometrist. Vision screenings are done first by the KCHD, usually in the fall at the district’s school. If it’s determined a student needs glasses, they are referred to Sparta-based optometrist Dr. David Harkema.

If parents have financial challenges, registered nurse Amy Roelse coordinates with the Lions Club to pay for the cost of glasses.

“We don’t want finances to be an issue for students,” Roelse said. “If they do not have insurance to cover glasses and can’t afford glasses, I take care of that whole process. I work with Dr. Harkema and the Lion’s Club to get approval for the glasses. The Lions Club picks up the bill, and the organization has never told me ‘no’ in 15 years.”


To schedule a hearing or vision screening call the Kent County Health Department at (616) 632-7047, or click here.

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