Back-to-school plans: Kentwood schools set to begin fall with two weeks of remote learning, then …

East Kentwood High School. (Supplied/KPS)

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of WKTV stories detailing local school districts’ fall 2020 back-to-chool plans.

By K.D. Norris

Kentwood Public Schools latest back-to-school plans, announced in a district-wide letter July 27, includes a two-week remote/virtual education period for all students as the district prepares for a possible return to in-school learning and parents can have more information before making their decision on having their students attend school at home or in classrooms.

Superintendent Michael Zoerhoff, Kentwood Public schools. (Supplied/KPS)

“Kentwood Public Schools is bound by the directives from the Governor’s Office, the Michigan Department of Education and the various Health Departments,” Kentwood Public Schools Superintendent Michael Zoerhoff said in the letter from his office. “Since the guidelines from the Governor’s Office are yet to be finalized, KPS planning has to remain highly flexible.”

The district conducted several parent surveys over the past several months, according to the letter, and the “results identified a split perspective. Many families want school to start with ‘in person’ learning; while others want to start with remote/virtual learning.”

As of July 27, Kent County is labeled to be in “Phase 4” of the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s reopening plan, which means schools may open for in-person learning. with restrictions. But if the Governor moves to the county to “Phase 3” then schools must stop all in-person learning and go completely to remote learning.

According to the district letter, the current plan begins school on Monday, Aug. 24, with all students involved in remote/virtual learning for the first two weeks. On Sept. 8, the day after Labor Day, parents can choose to shift their student to the option of in-person learning.

The stated reasons for the two-week remote/virtual beginning of school include:

In addition to being introduced to the academic content that will be studied for the term, the first two weeks will be focused on training students and staff on the safety protocols and cleaning procedures for a safe in-person return. 

Students and staff will learn “positive habits and behaviors” for successful remote learning should in-person learning be shut down and virtual learning become the only option.

Those households intending to use the remote/virtual learning option will be able to have computers delivered to students needing a device, and families will have an opportunity to evaluate our new remote learning platforms and compare them, to “make an informed choice when in person learning becomes an option on September 8.”

“Kentwood Public Schools will also have time to observe and learn from those area districts that engage in person student learning immediately,” according the letter. “We can benefit from seeing what others do or fail to do.”

Mask and busing policy detailed

If in-school education is available and chosen, the Governor’s current Return To School requirements are that students and staff in grades 6-12 must wear a face mask if they are attending in-person learning, and students in grades K-5 will be “strongly encouraged” to wear a face mask.

Kentwood Public Schools “has worked with our business partners and Spectrum Health to purchase many approved face masks for those who do not have one, forget to bring it to school or lose their mask,” according to the district.

And while busing will be provided for students who attend in-class school, “we will follow the requirements in the Governor’s Return To School regarding social distancing and face mask covernings. This will require us all to be flexible as there will be a limited number of students allowed on each bus run. Those bus runs will be published and communicated once we know how many families need transportation.”

While the exact mode of education for Kentwood Public Schools students is in flux, Superintendent Zoerhoff, in the letter, made clear the district’s ultimate goal.

“Kentwood Public Schools, together with parents and the community, will educate all students in a safe, secure environment,” he said. “We are committed to excellence, equity and diversity in education. Our goal is for each student to master and apply the essential skills to be a successful, productive citizen.

“These challenging times will pass, but the quality education that your children receive at KPS will serve them for a lifetime.”

For more information on Kentwood Public School’s back-to-school plans and other COIVID-19 related district communications visit



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