Wyoming Tree Commission looking for volunteers to help plant

Tree Commissioner Estelle Slootmaker holding the tree. (Supplied)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

The Wyoming Tree Commission is looking for a few more people to help with tree plantings this weekend and next.

Plantings are set for the morning of Oct. 2 and 16, which are both Saturdays. For more information on helping, email treeamigoswyoming@gmail.com.

Recently, the Tree Commission received a DTE Energy Tree Planting Grant of $3,000. With an additional $1,000 from the commission’s funds, was able to purchase about 25 8-foot and 10-foot trees. More than a dozen residents have signed up to receive a tree. The trees are free to residents but they are required to help plant it and commit to maintaining the tree.

The city’s recently revised Master Plan calls for the city to set a tree canopy goal. the Tree Commission recommendation was a goal of 40%, the same goal as many cities have set such as the City of Grand Rapids. Currently, Wyoming has an approximate tree canopy of 13.5%, as determined by an iTree survey that looks at aerial photographs. 

The Tree Amigos is a volunteer City of Wyoming commission seeking to improve the city’s overall tree canopy. They meet every second Monday of the month at 12:30 p.m. at the Wyoming City Hall, 1155 28th St. SW. 

