Van Andel Arena is all wrapped up with a bow out front

ribbonvaaBy Mike Klompstra

Van Andel Arena


Fans making their way to Van Andel Arena for the Stevie Nicks concert on Wednesday night will notice something bright and shiny on the front of the arena.


The holiday season has arrived once again which means Van Andel Arena will have itself wrapped in more than just a busy schedule of events. A giant, red ribbon has been installed on the face of the arena to celebrate the holidays.


This will be the third season the ribbon, decked out in many red lights to shine a bright and stunning display throughout the night, has been installed on the arena. It is eight feet wide and spans across the front of Van Andel Arena, reaching 300 feet all the way across.


As it has the previous three years, the ribbon will remain displayed on the arena throughout the holiday season.


In lieu of a tree, arena staff decided to do something a little different to celebrate the holidays in 2014 by installing the ribbon. Christmas Décor by Lakeshore Lighting built the ribbon for the arena and installs it each year.

