Three Oaks’ Journeyman Distillery features special February Chef’s Dinner

Nostalgia with all the trimmings will be on the menu at Journeyman Distillery’s Feb. 21 Chef’s Dinner.

For decades, The Strongbow Inn was a Northwest Indiana mainstay. Specialties like their blue cheese vinaigrette, house-baked dinner rolls and pastries, and (of course) turkey—expertly prepared in a variety of ways—were at the center of many family celebrations and traditions. The closing of the historic dining spot left a hole—not just in the Valparaiso dining scene, but in the hearts of many.

“It’s been wonderful to hear from the many people who have fond memories of times spent at Strongbow over the years,” said former owners, Nancy and Russ Adams. Those fond recollections, plus a lifetime’s worth of recipes and experience, encouraged the Adams’ to partner with friends Johanna and Bill Welter for a one-night-only Chef’s Dinner event at Journeyman Distillery.

Favorites including Turkey Schnitzel will be paired with demi-cocktails crafted with Journeyman’s acclaimed spirits for a dining experience sure to please. Hosts Nancy and Russ Adams will be on hand to share memories and thanks with old fans and new.

Tickets for Journeyman’s Feb. 21st Chef’s Dinner are $45 per person and include 4 courses with demi-cocktail pairings, plus gratuity. Details are available online at

