Tag Archives: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Snapshots: Kentwood, Wyoming news you need to know

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.

Franklin D .Roosevelt

By WKTV Staff

Rockets’ Red Glare

The nation celebrates its 243rd birthday this Thursday and you can bet the City of Kentwood is not holding back. The day is packed with activities from a pancake breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at Fire Station No. 1; a 5K at 8:30 a.m., followed by a parade at 9:30 a.m. Then there is the carnival, this year located behind city hall, from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. From 4 – 10 p.m. will be a community event with a beer tent, food trucks, and bands, followed by the fireworks. Remember, those attending the Kentwood fireworks, sparkles, personal fireworks and Chinese lanterns are not permitted. For a detailed map and more, click here.

And Bombs Bursting In Air

Several other local communities also will be hosting July 4th celebrations. The City of Grandville kicks off its Fourth of July celebration with a pancake breakfast. There is also a parade (11 a.m.) and activities throughout the day. Fireworks are at 10 p.m. Other communities hosting July 4th parades and fireworks: East Grand Rapids, Ada, and Cascade Township. The City of Grand Rapids will have its July 4th fireworks on Saturday, July 6.

Free picture () from https://torange.biz/fx/new-bottle-years-fireworks-effect-78192

Now for the Rules

By now, you should have heard of the state’s new rules about fireworks. For the July 4th holiday, consumer fireworks are allowed from 11 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. through July 5 (since July 5 falls on a Friday.) According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there was an estimated 9,100 fireworks-related injuries treated in the United States in 2018, of which more than half were around July 4. So here are a few safety tips provided by local firefighters: only use fireworks outdoors in clear areas away from buildings, vehicles, and flammable substances; never relight a “dud” firework, but after 20 minutes soak it in a buck of water; fireworks should be suprivsied by a responsible adult; and have a bucket of water and charged water hose nearby.

Some Patriotic Trivia

As you are waiting for the fireworks to start, here’s a few pieces of July 4 trivia to wow your friends and family. Of all the signers of the Declaration of Independence, only John Hancock actually signed the document on July 4, 1776. Fifty-six men from the 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. Of the original signers, only Thomas Jefferson and John Adams became President of the United States. Both men died within hours of each other on July 4, 1826.

Lastly: The first public reading of the Declaration of Independence was July 8, 1776 in Philadelphia. The following year, on July 4, 1777, the city adjourned Congress and celebrated Independence Day with bonfires, bells, and fireworks. In honor of that, the Liberty Bell is tapped 13 times on July 4 in remembrance of the 13 colonies.

Have a safe and happy July 4 from WKTV