Tag Archives: succesful routines

Local expert says key to building successful routine is little changes

By WKTV Staff

It’s the little things that count when building a successful routine, according to professional speaker, corporate trainer, certified coach and author Michelle Steffes.

Steffes, who recently was honored as Byron Center’s Small Businessperson of the Year for 2019, sat down with WKTV volunteer anchor Meochia Thompson, to discuss the science of habits and how to build a successful routine.

“The science of habits is understanding how to manipulate the mechanics of your body to have habits that maintain,” Steffes said. “So it is looking at your life from the moment you wake up in the morning to when you close your eyes at night is really the key to maintaining longterm habits. 

“We all have intrinsic alarms clocks inside that go off so we need to set those alarm clocks by forming behaviors that will help us repeat those habits again and again.”

Steffes has completed more than 10,000 hours of study in neuroscience, physiology, and human behavior. Her studies and passion to see people win inspired her to release her book, “Your Journey to Greatness Through Routine: A Step by Step Guide to Creating a Success Routine” last year. In the book, she teaches people how to develop a successful routine.

“A success routine has to have several components to it. You have to have a time to unplug, a specific time to motivate and inspire everyday,” Steffes said, adding that it is a not difficult to create a successful routine as you are exchanging one thing for another. She also pointed out that it is simple things such as changing what you listen to that make the biggest impacts.”

The book includes case studies and online tools to help people build those successful routines. Steffes said it can take anywhere for 21 to 30 days for a routine to become a habit as the brain builds new pathways for that specific routine.

For more, visit Steffe’s website, ipvconsulting.com.