Tag Archives: satire

What would you do for good grades? Indie film explores the length one person goes

The dean of Stratford Wellington sells his school to potential students.

Stratford Wellington defines prestigious with its top-notch professors, some of whom have earned Noble Prizes and more than 3,000 activities from birdwatching to the debate team. And with only 13,000 attendees, anyone should feel honored to be accepted.


However freshman Calvin feels only the pressure to not only to succeed but to do so exceptionally. And to Calvin, he could possible do that if he didn’t have to deal with his drugged out roommate Trevor.


Thus is the basis of Indie producer Matt Whitney’s film “4.0” or “How I Killed My Roommate for Better Grades” which will be the featured film at WKTV’s Midnite Movie on Saturday, May 27.


“Darkly funny and full of twists and turns, ‘4.0’ explores the struggle of depression, the rigors of higher education, and the dangers of secrets,” Whitney said.


“4.0” started as a project pitch by Whitney and some college friends. Time constraints did produce what the group wanted and the concept sat until last year, when Whitney was able to write a script he felt conveyed the message he wanted to share.


“It’s both a commentary on the sometimes sorry state of higher education, and a study of the different ways depression manifests in people,” Whitney said a 2016 Kickstarter description. “This is a story I need to tell. It deals with issues very personal to me. Depression is a daily issue for me, and far from this film being an exotic form of therapy, it is a way to show those who have never struggled with depression what it really is, and to give a voice to people who struggle with it now.”