Tag Archives: Robert Van Kirk

We the People 2018 Primary: State House of Representatives Candidates

72th District House of Representatives


The 72nd District House of Representative seat covers the cities of Kentwood and Wayland, along with a portion of Cutlerville and the community of Dorr. For a district map, click here.


There are two candidates, a one-term incumbent and a challenger, seeking the Republican Party nomination in the Aug. 7 primary. The winner will then face Democratic candidate Ron Rraayer and Libertarian candidate Jamie Lewis at the general election Nov. 6.


Note: Primary candidates are show in alphabetical order. Only seats with primary opposition were invited to participate in We The People at this time.



Name: Jennifer Antel


Party: Primary candidate, Republican


Occupation: Mayor pro tem for the City of Wayland, coach, substitute teacher and business owner.


Why did you decide to run for the 72th District House of Representatives seat?


I was tired of everyone bickering in Lansing and not, seemingly, working together to get things done. And I thought my different leadership style could make a difference.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?


Broadening our education, specifically for high school students, including high tech and skilled trades at the high school level. And also early elementary education in math and English.



Name: Steve Johnson


Party: Incumbent primary candidate, Republican


Occupation: State Representative, 72nd District


Why did you decide to run for the 72th District House of Representatives seat?


I’ve been in this job for two years now. I’ve given some strong, conservative leadership so far and I believe, hopefully, in another two years I can get some conservative legislation across the finish line that I have gotten started.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?


No. 1 is defending people’s right to life, No. 2 is enacting lower taxes for everyone, and No. 3 is working to fix our broken auto no fault insurance system, allowing rate relief for everyone.


77th District House of Representatives


The 77th District House of Representative seat covers the City of Wyoming, Byron Township and a portion of Cutlerville. For a district map, click here.


There are two candidates seeking the Republican Party nomination and two candidates seeking the Democractic Party nomination. The winners for each party will then face each other along with Libertarian candidate Patty Malowney at the general election Nov. 6.


Note: Primary candidates are show in alphabetical order. Only seats with primary opposition were invited to participate in We The People at this time.



Name: Tommy Brann


Party: Incumbent, Republican


Occupation: Owner of Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille on Division Avenue


Why did you decide to run for the 77thDistrict House of Representatives seat?


Because I am good at the job. I own a small business and every night, I comeback and work at that business and through that I bring the issues that I learned about and discuss at that business back to Lansing, which is not something many of my colleagues are able to do.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?


I have an animal cruelty bill that I have been working on. Also, I want to continue the work on homelessness by getting that $2 additional per bed for the shelters. Michigan is one of the lowest in the country, $16 per bed when the average is $26, in contributing to shelters. This additional money would help with new bedding and operations. We have more than 60,000 homeless people, so it is a big problem. I also want to bring the concept of free enterprise into the schools to give students more career choices.




Name: Jordan T. Oesch


Party: Incumbent, Republican


Occupation: Business services


Why did you decide to run for the 77thDistrict House of Representatives seat?


I decided to run because I love the area and it just motivated me. It is why I want to fight to bring more economic opportunities back to West Michigan. I will work tirelessly to ensure that every effort is made to bring our state up around West Michigan.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?


Taxes and infrastructure. The moderation of infrastructure has a number of benefits to us, bring businesses back and cost savings. That along with everything else that is so important to the people of this area.



The Democratic candidates are Dana Knight and Robert Van Kirk, did not participate in the We the People candidate profiles.