Tag Archives: IRA

It is important to know what your IRA is investing in

By Dave Stanley
Integrity Financial Service. LLC

The IRS restricts specific investment options for an IRA.

These restrictions do not allow investment in collectibles, antiques, and other assets. Here is a list: If an IRA invests in collectibles, the amount invested is considered distributed in the year invested. The account owner may have to pay a 10% additional tax on early distributions.

Learn what a prohibited investment in an IRA is important in retirement planning. (pxhere.com)

Here are some examples of prohibited assets held in an IRA:
• Artwork
• Rugs and other home furnishings
• Antiques
• Precious metals, some exceptions for gold bullion
• Gems, diamonds, other precious stones
• Stamps and coins as collections
• Alcoholic beverages
• Certain other tangible personal property based on the exact nature of the asset
• A partnership or company that owns sells or buys these items could be a named asset within an IRA.
• Insurance products are also not allowed except for annuities.

Assets that are allowed to be held in an IRA include:
• Stocks
• Bonds
• Mutual funds
• Real Estate Investment Trusts
• Brokerage accounts
• Banks products such as CDs and savings account
• Insurance company annuities

If your IRA is engaged in any prohibitive practice, you may be exposed to being taxed as a distribution and also be liable for a 10% penalty.

Remember that an IRA is just a tax-deferred receptacle for invested assets. Almost any category of investment can be placed there, and different IRA custodians make their money by selling and managing these assets. If you open one at a bank, you’ll be able to invest in CDs or savings accounts. If you open it at an insurance company annuity could be a viable option. If you select to open an IRA at a brokerage and mutual fund company, you’ll be able to invest in mutual funds, stocks, bonds as well as other options.

Always make sure your IRA matches up with your goals, and if you do not fully understand the investment options available to you, get a second opinion. Owning an IRA can be a massive advantage to you in later years, make certain your IRA is designed for your specific period and goals.

Dave Stanley is the host of Safe Money Radio WOOD1300 AM, 106.9 FM and a Financial Advisor and Writer at Integrity Financial Service, LLC, Grandville, MI 49418, Telephone 616-719-1979 or  Register for Dave’s FREE Newsletter at 888-998-3463  or click this link:  Dave Stanley Newsletter – Annuity.com  Dave is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management

Financial Perspective: Where can you find the money to build a safe, predictable retirement?

Dave Stanley
Integrity Financial Service, LLC

“You are likely to be retired much longer than you think. A recent study suggests that 50% of those born now will live beyond 100.”   Dave Stanley

For how long do you think you will live? Do you believe you’ll live into your late 70s? Are you confident you’ll follow in the path of your parents, who were alive and well into their mid to late 80s?

The average joint life expectancy (men and women together) is approximately 88 years for more than 49% of the population. A full 20% of Americans live to age 95!

Depending on your unique perspective, that’s either good news or bad news. It is good because many people want to live for as long as possible, provided they are in decent physical and mental health. However, a long life can be bad news when it puts you at risk of outliving your money in retirement.

Something else to consider is that these numbers are averages. There are many exceptions to the rule, especially if you are the beneficiary of excellent genes, have tried to stay fit and healthy, and have managed stress properly. More people are hitting triple digits, and you could very well be one of them.

Longevity is a possibility. Therefore, creating a portfolio to help you maintain your current standard of living in 30 plus years of retirement is challenging. Having less money in retirement is a concern for retirees and pre-retirees. Nearly all seniors know someone who has beaten the odds and has lived for a longer time than they planned.

Many retirees and pre-retirees had had someone in their own families who went through hardship and deprivation because they ran out of many at a time when they needed it the most.

The logical solution to not having enough money for retirement is to start earlier and save more. That is not always easy to do, however. Many people are barely making ends meet and do not have much discretionary money to create retirement income. You may fall into that category and worry that you will not have any money to build a retirement account.

How do you find money to finance a retirement plan?

Developing a saving and income-planning mindset is valuable at any age.

Understandably, you might have a tight budget due to where you are in your career track. Or, you might have family, medical, or debt issues that make saving a tough proposition.

Fortunately, there are some ways you can free up cash or find the money you never knew you had, to fund a retirement plan. Here are three things you can do right now to free up money for retirement.

1. Debt restructuring. Take a look at all your debt, including student loans and consumer debt. Perhaps you can negotiate lower rates or pay debt off more slowly. For example, instead of paying more than the minimum due on a debt, take that money and put into something like a dividend-paying whole life insurance policy, annuity (depending on your age), or dividend-paying stocks. When you pay your debt off TOO fast, you lose the opportunity to grow that money.

2. IRA or 401(k) Use every advantage to contribute the maximum amount of money allowed.  As you age, begin to move a higher percentage to assets that are not as volatile, such as annuities. Ask your financial expert and tax advisor to see if you might transfer your 401(k) funds to a self-directed IRA and purchase an income annuity.  Always consider this with the big picture in mind, make sure you seek licensed and authorized professional advisors.


3. Live a simpler lifestyle. Making your car, major appliances, and other big-ticket items last longer can add up to thousands of dollars you can use to fund your post-career life. Eat out less often, never pay full retail, and look for every bargain you can find.

No matter your current financial situation, you can and should set aside money for a time when you will no longer get a paycheck. Starting early and being consistent, along with small lifestyle changes, will help you avoid common mistakes and achieve a better retirement lifestyle.

Here is a word to the wise.  Before making any decisions about where and how you invest your retirement money, always consult a licensed and authorized professional.

Dave Stanley is the host of Safe Money Radio WOOD1300 AM, 106.9 FM and a Financial Advisor and Writer at Integrity Financial Service, LLC, Grandville, MI 49418, Telephone 616-719-1979 or  Register for Dave’s FREE Newsletter at 888-998-3463  or click this link:  Dave Stanley Newsletter – Annuity.com  Dave is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management