Tag Archives: Holland Hospital

West Michigan distillery plans to make, donate hand sanitizer to area healthcare workers

Coppercraft Distillery has announced plans to make about 10,000 gallons of hand sanitizer for local healthcare providers. (Coppercraft Distillery)

By Joanne Bailey-Borosma

When Brian Mucci learned that distilleries across the nation were ramping up to help make hand sanitizer, the CEO of Coppercraft Distillery jumped right on board to help the West Michigan community.

Starting next week, the Holland-based distillery, will be adding the production of hand sanitizer to its production of spirits and cocktails. 

“Times of crisis require each of us to determine how we can use our work for good,” Mucci said. “This is an opportunity to step into a need and assist our community, and we are honored to do so in such a practical way. As the COViD-19 situation continues to develop, we have been inspired by numerous stories of people lending a hand to assist one another. This is one way our team can express gratitude for all front-line healthcare workers during this exceptional time.”

For the first phase, Coppercraft Distillery staff plan to make about 10,000 gallons of hand sanitizer that will be donated to local healthcare providers, including Holland Hospital.

The company will follow a recipe provided by the World Health Organization with the hand sanitizer being comprised of primarily glycerol and a 96-percent ABV neutral grain spirt. When done, the Coppercraft Distillery’s hand santizer will adhere to the World Health Organization’s guideline, as directed by both the Federal Drug Administration and the Alcohol, Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, by exceeding the 60 percent alcohol minimum. The recipe provided by WHO will make a had sanitizer that is will be about 80 percent alcohol, said Gwen Vryhof Bultema, a spokesperson for Coppercraft Distillery. 

Coppercraft Distillery will continue production of its spirits and cocktails. (Coppercraft Distillery)

Vryhof Bultema said the distillery has been working with companies across the country to get the necessary supplies to make the hand sanitizer. The materials should be at the distillery by next week with production starting then.


Depending on how the process goes, the distillery could be making the sanitizer for a longer period of time and may add it to offerings, Vryhof Bultema said. 

For now the focus is to donate to the healthcare providers who are struggling to secure hand sanitizer. Currently hand sanitizer, along with face masks and thermometers are in high demand.  

Coppercraft Distillery was founded in 2012 and was one of the first licensed distillers in the state. The company has expanded significantly in recent years with products now available at nearly 1,300 retail locations across Michigan.