Tag Archives: enterainment

Snapshots: Things to do this weekend

Try to be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.

Poet Maya Angelou

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

We Like Big Trucks

The City of Wyoming had its Fleets through the Streets earlier this week and the City of Kentwood will have its this Saturday. The parade will begin at 9 a.m. on the western border of the city near the intersection of Division Avenue and Maplelawn Street, and travel toward the eastern border of the city, ending around 11 a.m. near the intersection of Burton Street and Forest Meadows Court. For a complete map of the parade, visit the city website here.

Travel at Your Own Pace

Muskegon’s Lakeshore Museum recently opened “Turtle Travels,” a fun-filled, interactive exhibit that gives visitors a turtle’s-eye view of life in the “slow lane.” Once you step onto the giant board game, follow the instructions and you’ll be detoured to interactive games. Find out what it’s like for a turtle trying to cross a road or traverse changing habitats. Be a turtle tracker and see how real field biologists track animals in the wild. There are lots of photo opportunities and fun turtle facts. The exhibit is free to Muskegon County residents and $5 for non-Muskegon County residents. The museum is located at 430 W. Clay Ave in Muskegon.

Catch the Boys of Summer

The West Michigan Whitecaps now play at the newly named LMCU Ballpark. (Supplied/West Michigan Whitecaps)

With limited number of tickets, now is a good time to snap up some for next week when the Whitecaps return home to play against the Lake County Captains. Themes for next week include a 70s night on May 25, Silver Slugger on May 26, Thrifty Thursday on May 27, and Princess Weekend May 28-29.

Grand Rapids could have been the capital

When Michigan was a young state, its 1835 constitution stated Detroit could be its capitol until 1847. When 1847 came around, communities outside of the Detroit area were not happy with the amount of power that Detroit had and wanted the capitol moved. There was much debate on where with Grand Rapids being a contender but eventually it was decided to make the “hole in the woods,” known as the Township of Lansing, the state capitol.