Tag Archives: Don Hilton

New faces move on for general election in Gaines Township

Gaines Township Hall
The Gaines Township Hall

Current Gaines Township Supervsior Don Hilton, Sr. lost his bid for a seat as a township trustee at the Aug. 2 primary.


Hilton, along with five others, was seeking one of the four trustee spots on the board. Kathy Vander Stel received 1,655 votes; Tim Haagsma received 1,588 votes; Daniel Lee Frying had 1,405 votes, Angela Burnside had 1,178, Hilton had 1,064 and Eric Fouch had 984. All candidates are listed as Republicans. The top four vote getters move on to the November ballot.


The rest of the Gaines Township board positions were uncontested. Rob DeWard ran for supervisor. Crystal Asterisk ran for clerk and Laurie Lemke ran for treasurer. They were all listed as Republicans and will move on to the November election.


Currently no Democratic candidates have come forth for the township election.