Tag Archives: collage

Pine Rest’s Leep Gallery’s newest exhibit features the work of a local photographer

One of the collages by Kathryn Armstrong now on display at the Leep Gallery at Pine Rest
One of the collages by Kathryn Armstrong now on display at the Leep Gallery at the Postman Center on the Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, 300 68th St. SE.

A new photography exhibit, “From the Rising of the Sun” by local artist Kathryn Armstrong opens at the Leep Art Gallery April 7, 2016. The exhibit is at the Postma Center on the Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services main campus in Grand Rapids.


The photography exhibit is in the form of 20 collages with 400 photographs, and is based on Psalm 113:3, “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised.” It reflects Armstong’s lifetime of experiencing the wonder and glory of God’s creative genius around the world. The murals share the heartbeat of one family traveling through one year and one lifetime in a modest lake home here in Grand Rapids.


“I hope it also transcends that perspective to speak for the universal experiences of humans, not only in our American life and culture, but everywhere, through vistas of the intimate and exotic both at home and throughout our magnificent planet,” Armstrong said. “My prayer is that every person who views these collages will feel their spirits lifted and their hearts drawn toward the eternal creator of our universe, who loves us with an everlasting love.”


Armstrong has taught high school, has home schooled her own seven children, and sold photos to the Lighthouse Christian Bookstore in Marquette, Mich. Last fall she had one of her collages on display at Acton Institute, has photographed numerous weddings and has been an avid photographer since receiving a Brownie box camera for her tenth birthday. She has carried a camera with her ever since.


Armstrong’s exhibit will be on display at Pine Rest Postma Center located at 300 68th St. SE, through July 1. The Leep Art Gallery is open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 616-222-4530.