Tag Archives: Bill Dooley

Work on 56th shows what can be accomplished when residents, city officials work together

Now open: 56th Street reconstruction between Ivanrest and Byron Center avenues opened on Oct. 31.

By Catherine Kooyers

Community Contributor

In November, many gave thanks and many in the Bayberry Farms/UM-Metro Hospital corridor in Wyoming, who gave thanks for significant upgrades and changes that have happened to make a great community even better. And a special thanks goes out to those who worked hard in all weather conditions to make those changes, especially to the detention pond and 56th Street. It has taken years to identify issues accurately, get necessary approvals and funds, contracting, and much more to make all this happen. But, it was with total elation that we received the message from the City of Wyoming advising the work would be finished on Oct. 31, 2018 — and it was.

You see, a few years back, the area had a Master Plan. Over the years though, a change here and a change there added up. Collectively, those small changes resulted in the need for big changes and redirection. We recognized that development of the corridor east of Byron Center Avenue meant more buildings and parking lots. That in turn, changed absorptive rain catching fields into nonporous, concrete/asphalt patches. In turn, that resulted in massive water runoff crossing Byron Center Avenue into the Bayberry area. That all came home when the Gezon Fire Station was shuttered and falling into disrepair resulting in  response times being high. Also around that time, we started noticing problems with the area’s detention pond…it simply was  too small for the new growth.

The project included a new traffic signal at the intersection of Ivanrest Avenue and 56th Street.

Then, on Sept. 9, 2013, disaster did hit HARD. The area was hit with a measured 5.5 inches of rain in a very short, record-breaking time. The pond could not hold that much water and disaster was inevitable. The Bayberry Farms Village senior apartments were surrounded by deep waters…looking like an island as seniors were moved to higher floors. Several cars were flooded and lost as they tried to navigate deep waters on 56th Street. Runoff from 56th Street into the senior village was so intense it looked like flowing rivers and waterfalls. The Bayberry Farms condos and family homes were hit hardest. For example, the force of the rushing water knocked out slider doors and pushed heavy furniture across lower levels.  Another home, had more than six feet of standing water in its finished basement.

Fortunately, no one was sleeping in those areas at that time or some fear they would not have made it out — it all happened so fast. Trails of debris from construction of the Veterans’ Clinic, garden mulch and Metro complex traveled quite a distance towards Ivanrest Avenue, clogging drains. And, as we tried to open drains, in addition to removing normal clogging materials, we were stunned when an albino boa constrictor came out of a drain!

A new widen sidewalk was added to the north side of 56th Street.

But  there was little time for self-pity, this could not continue. So, the residents, businesses and City began working together for positive changes. We learned a valued lesson: No one wins by fighting City Hall, but we all win when we put differences aside and work together for a greater common good. The City not only listened, the City worked hard to make the needed changes not only happen, but that they were done correctly. It took millions of dollars and a few years, but Oct. 31 was the closing date of a special chapter in the Metro/Bayberry history books:

  • The small detention pond was dramatically increased in size and surrounded by protective fencing. After a few storms knocked down the new fencing, a different material was used that allowed for more air flow and has worked beautifully this year. This should meet the storm water needs of the area for quite some time.
  • The big changes came to 56th Street between Byron Center and Ivanrest avenues.  The area was widened with more drain catchers and basins added to hold and collect runoff and rain. The old street materials, which were failing, left potholes and sinkholes. That entire stretch of 56th Street was totally torn up and replaced.  Turning lanes were created. Residents endured months of construction and noise, but say the finished product is safer, better, and worth every bit of it.
  • Also included were much requested sidewalks and more connections to the Kent Trail system. Before, without sidewalks, the bikers, walkers, seniors, families crossing to the daycare center or stores had to walk against fast moving traffic, in traffic lanes.  We knew that had to change as the area grew.  Now, it is safer and easier for bikers, walkers and disabled in motorized scooters to get to and from the trails, shops, and restaurants. This is a vibrant, active community.
  • In the interim, new business entities came in or upgraded – like the U of M/Metro partnership and ReMax. The UM/Metro Foundation had generously provided significant monies and support for our Gezon Fire Station — like the heliport — training and equipment.
  • Working with Wyoming Public Works Director Bill Dooley and his team as well as ReMax, a much needed shortcut sidewalk was finished by the pond. This allows seniors with walkers and scooters as well as residents in the apartments, cottages, homes and condos more independence and access to local businesses.

So this month, the Bayberry/Metro area has much to be thankful for in addition to the normal things:  City officials, like Mayor Jack Poll and Dooley, who let us talk, who listened, who worked with us; the many dedicated people who did the planning and hard work, the road crews, the landscapers…; the residents who worked together for positive changes; our special partners and  businesses who give and do so much for our community.  And, it would not be Bayberry if we did not extend a special “thanks”  and gratitude for all our area first responders, UPS drivers, FedEx drivers, U.S. Postal carriers — all those people who quietly support this special area daily. So, this week, we give special thanks for significant upgrades and changes that have happened to make a great community extraordinary.

A little rain did not deter Wyoming residents for attending city’s annual Public Works Day event

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma



It was a little wet and rainy on Monday but it didn’t stop Wyoming residents or employees from enjoying this year’s National Public Works event at the Wyoming Department of Public Works.


“It seems like it has been 20 years that we have been doing this and we haven’t had a night where it has been raining,” said Public Works Director Bill Dooley. “It is uncanny how every single year, even if it was raining earlier in the day by the time it got to this event, the sky would open up and it would be sunny and warm. So, we are a little disappointed that it is rainy but we are probably due for something like this.”


In 1960 the American Public Works Association established National Public Works Week to create a better understand of the various responsibilities of a Public Works facility in maintaining the infrastructure of its community. This includes such areas as ground maintenance, sewer and water, potholes and road maintenance, and snowplowing to list a few of the many services provided by these departments.


Having hosted a Public Works Week Open House for the past 24 years, the event has become one of the City of Wyoming’s most anticipated activities for families.


While the rain did curb this year’s numbers – Dooley estimated the department will only go through about a third of its usually 2,000 hot dogs – many still came out to enjoy the event and learn more the Wyoming Department of Public Works.


“We do this because we want the community to feel really comfortable with who we are,” Dooley said. “We’re the public works organization and we take care of the streets, water system and the sewer system and there is a lot of aspects in doing that. So, we want to make sure that the public feels comfortable with us helping them.”


The event is focused around families with the department sending flyers out to the area schools. With that in mind, the activities are children-focused with the food being hot dogs, balloons and coloring books, and the vehicles Dooley said, adding “little children like to sit in the trucks and be around them…”


“We so look forward to this,” Dooley said. “Unfortunately, the weather isn’t perfect, but even if there was only 10 families here we would be so happy to have them and welcome them and just spend time to get to know them. So, we will do this every year as it is a lot of fun for us.”