Tag Archives: animated

Film ‘Life, Animated’ offers possibility, chance of stimulus

square-life-animated-jpgFrom Academy Award-winning director Roger Ross Williams, Life, Animated is the inspirational story of a young man who used Disney animated films to communicate with his friends and family. This coming-of-age film will be shown at the Saugatuck Center for the Arts (SCA) (400 Culver Street) on Nov. 17 at 7 pm. General admission $5/Members and $7/Future Members.


For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit sc4a.org or call 269.857.2399.


Rolling Stone says about Life, Animated, “Instead of false hope, it offers possibility, the chance of a stimulus that might get past the blocks of developmental disorder.”


This refreshing film begins when Owen Suskind is a thriving three-year-old who suddenly and inexplicably goes silent — and for years has remained unable to connect with other people or to convey his thoughts, feelings or desires. Over time, through repeated viewings of Disney classics like The Little Mermaid and The Lion King, Owen found useful tools to help him to understand complex social cues and to re-connect with the world around him.


Roger Ross Williams

Prior to moving into independent filmmaking, Roger Ross Williams was an acclaimed television journalist and producer for over 15 years for outlets including: TV Nation, ABC News, NBC News, CNN, PBS, Comedy Central, and Sundance Channel. Williams serves on the Alumni Advisory Board of the Sundance Institute. He frequently mentors filmmakers from the developing world and under-represented communities on how to channel personal adversity into their art.


“Deeply moving. A warm testament to a family’s love and resistance.” –Variety


Real to Reel is sponsored by Great Lakes Manor and Cottages and Clark Hill Entertainment Industry Team, Hidden Garden Cottages & Suites, and Saugatuck-Douglas Antique Market.


About the Saugatuck Center for the Arts

The Saugatuck Center for the Arts, located at 400 Culver Street, Saugatuck, is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a more vibrant lakeshore community in West Michigan and beyond. For more information about the SCA and upcoming events, visit www.sc4a.org or call 269.857.2399.