Tag Archives: 83rd District

We the People: State House of Representatives

By WKTV Staff

The residents of the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood will be helping to select three candidates for the state House of Representatives.

There are two house seats covering the City of Wyoming, 82nd and 83rd districts, and one house seat, 80th district, in the City of Kentwood.

Note: All candidates who are running in the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood were invited to participate in the We the People videos, where candidates may talk about why they decided to run and the issues they want to address.

80th District State House of Representatives Seat

The City of Kentwood is now under the 80th District State House or Representatives along with the City of East Grand Rapids, Cascade Township, and a portion of Grand Rapids Township. To view the map, click here.

The candidates running for the seat are Phil Skaggs (D) and Jeffrey Johnson (R).

Phil Skaggs (D)

Occupation: Skaggs is currently the Kent County Commissioner for District 19, which covers southeastern Grand Rapids and the City of East Grand Rapids. Before that, Skaggs served as a East Grand Rapids City Commissioner for five years.

Issues: Skaggs will defend women’s reproductive freedoms, including the right to choose. He will support children and schools by making sure they have the quality teachers they need. He supports small businesses, livable-wage jobs with good benefits, collective bargaining rights, and well-built infrastructure along with getting the cost-of-living under control so families can afford what they need. He also will support families by working for universal access to affordable healthcare, paid sick and parental leave, and access to affordable childcare and housing.

Website: https://www.philskaggs.com

Jeffrey Johnson (R)

Occupation: Johnson has spent more than 30 years in hi-tech field managing teams of innovators and working with inventors to develop new products. Johnson also spent significant time serving non-profits involved in helping families and children and crime victims. 

What are a couple of issues you would want to address if elected? First is inflation. I am committed to encouraging production of energy and small business growth to provide relief to families. And until we get this sorted out, we need a gas tax holiday to provide consumers relief. Next is public safety. We need to provide law enforcement the resources and tools they need to get well-trained officers on the street who are familiar with their communities and have their respect. And we need to get violent offenders off the streets, and keep weapons out of the hands of children.

Website: https://www.jj4mi.com

82nd District House of Representatives Seat

An eastern portion of the City of Wyoming, which is in the Godwin Heights Public School District, is now part of the 82nd District State House of Representatives. To view the map, click here.

Kristian Grant (D) and Ryan Malinoski (R) as the candidates running for the seat.

Kristian Grant

Occupation: Grant is in real estate development. She is currently a board member-at-large on the Grand Rapids School’s Board of Education and has worked on the Grand Rapids Promise Zone Authority.

Issues: Per her website, she is for funding public education, women’s reproductive rights, and safe, attainable and affordable housing, gun safety reform, police reform, and economic development that supports small businesses.

Website: https://electkristiangrant.com

Ryan Malinoski (R)

Occupation: An events service manager at Aramark, a food service, facilities, and uniform services provider.

Issues: According to his website, Malinoswki will focus on economic development, government transparency and accountability, fiscal responsibility, pro-life, supporting public safety, affording housing, and supports schools of choice. 

Website: https://www.malinoskiformichigan.com

83rd District House of Representatives Seat

The 83rd District House of Representatives covers all of Wyoming along with a small portion of Byron Township. (Note, there is a small portion of Wyoming in the east that is part of the 80th District. Please see above.) To view the map, click here.

Running for this district is Lisa DeKryger (R) and John Fitzgerald (D).

Lisa DeKryger

Occupation: DeKyrger is part-owner with her husband Sheldon of Sheldon DeKryger Building, Inc. She also has worked for UPS.

Issues: Protecting parents’ rights and working on the education system, keeping citizens safe by supporting police and fire departments, helping to get trades back into the high schools to build the workforce and inflation. 

Website: https://www.lisadekryger4michigan.com

John Fitzgerald (D)

Occupation: Fitzgerald currently is a Wyoming City Council member. He is a commercial insurance broker and has served on several community boards such as Ele’s Place West Michigan and The Clark Foundation Board.

Issues: Creating and attracting better jobs to the community, strengthening the public education system, job training, expanding healthcare services, supporting a women’s right to choose, and creating safe communities.

Website: https://johnformi.com