Snapshots: Wyoming, Kentwood news you ought to know

Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years form now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

By WKTV Staff

Rocking the Night

The Wyoming Summer Concert series is well underway with the Brena Band performing tonight at 7 p.m at Lamar Park, 2561 Porter St. SW. The West Michigan band is known for its large repertoire that includes, country, RnB, rock, pop, and more. Tonight’s theme is Disney with the audience encouraged to have fun with it. Also before the show, there will be a yoga session to get everyone warmed up.

It’s all fun and games

The Grand Rapids Public Museum recently expanded its TOYS! exhibit. More than 15 new interactives will fill the first floor galleria, into the Streets of Old Grand Rapids exhibit and on the Museum’s second floor, overflowing from the TOYS! exhibit. Visitors will enjoy playing giant versions of their favorite games including: Battleship, Lincoln Logs, Chess, Connect Four, UNO, Kerplunk, Tic Tac Toe, Lite Brite and more! Speaking of the Grand Rapids Public Museum, now is the time to scoop up tickets to the museum’s Front Row for the Fireworks event for the city’s July 6 fireworks. Tickets are $15.

A day for remembering

Faith Hospice will be hosting its annual Service of Remembering and Butterfly Release Thursday, June 13. The event will take place at 7 p.m. at Trillium Woods, 8214 Pfeiffer Farms Drive, SW in Byron Center. The Service of Remembrance and Butterfly Release provides just that for those who participate. It is an opportunity for families to gather together to honor the lives of the person or people who have passed away. Because butterflies are often considered deep and powerful representations of life, and the transformation that some people of faith believe, they are a wonderful symbol of the life of the individual.

Mt. Avron is owned by a local paper company, but there is public access to it. Above is a picture of the summit and log book. (Wikipedia)

Fun Fact: Up a Hill, Down a Mountain

Tennessee has the Smokey Mountains, Colorado has the Rockies and Michigan has the Huron Mountains. The Huron Mountains are located in the Upper Peninsula in the Baraga State Forest Area. The highest point in Michigan is Hurons’ Mt. Arvon at 1,979 feet. Interestingly, Mt. Arvon has only had the designation since 1982, when it was determined through modern technology that Mr. Arvon was one foot higher than Mt. Curwood, which was at that time considered the highest point in the state.

