Snapshots: Wyoming and Kentwood news you need to know


WKTV Staff


Wyoming: More new faces in public safety as Brian Bennett named as fire chief
The Wyoming Fire Department has a new fire chief.

At its regular Monday meeting, the Wyoming City Council unanimously approved a contact to hire Brian Bennett as the city’s new deputy director of fire services or fire chief. Bennett replaces former Fire Chief Chuck Lark who retired.

For the complete story, click here.



Kentwood: Local business an example of energy cost savings program 


Rishi’s International Beverage.

One part of a Consumers Energy’s EmPOWERing Kent County package of programs, are efforts to assist small businesses to save money on their energy bills. And one local company, Rishi’s International Beverage, located just across 28th Avenue from Kentwood, is a case in point.

For the complete story, click here.


WKTV on YouTube: Meet the City of Wyoming’s newest city councilor

Sheldon DeKryger, the City of Wyoming’s newest city councilor, who talks about his efforts of service to the city was and why becoming a councilor was the right thing for him to do at this time in his life.




