School News Network: Catapulting students toward learning

Sen Dim, who is from Myanmar, works on her project about Bhutan. (School News Network)

Kentwood: ‘All Their Stories Come Together’

In Valleywood Middle School teacher Jane Van Hof’s seventh grade English class — a portrait of diversity in itself– students are studying the stories of people forced to flee their native lands. For the project, dubbed “A Refugee Story,” they are delving into research on refugees and learning about those in their community. What did they learn? Click here to find out.

Andrea Donovan preps her students for the human catapult as part of a collaborative STEAM-PE week. (School News Network)

Godfrey-Lee: Human catapult, shadow-dodging teaches movement & so much more

Here’s a story gathering some STEAM: A group of Godfrey-Lee teachers have come up with games that are more than just play, but may create builders, engineers and life-long  physical fitness buffs just by introducing unique ways to keep fit and create while doing it. To learn how they are accomplishing this, click here.

For more stories on area schools, visit the School News Network website

