Online livestock auction hosted after Hudsonville Fair cancelled

Emilee Vis show her dairy cow. (Supplied/Hudsonville Community Fair)

By Faith Morgan
WKTV Intern

Annually MSU and 4-H students show off their livestock for live auctions at the Hudsonville Community Fair as part of a final project. Due to COVID-19 the fair cancelled for 2020. This news left young individuals devastated without the opportunity to showcase their livestock that they had worked hard to train and raise.

Some of these students have been preparing for live auctions since July of 2019. As families have been widely affected by the pandemic, these students also live in households of families struggling during this crisis.

To warm the hearts of these young students, Hudsonville Community Fair partnered with Miedema’s Charity Auctions to host an online auction. This auction helps to provide financial means for these students seeking to attend college and showcase at future livestock auctions.

Andrew Meekhof-Vanspyker show his sheep. (Supplied/Hudsonville Community Fair)


The auction contains a wide variety of beef, pork, and lamb for sale on Miedema’s website and is scheduled to end Thursday, Aug. 27.

