Nunica Cemetery is noted for its ghosts leading to the founding of Michigan’s most

Ottawa Country’s Nunica Cemetery is one of the most haunted cemeteries in the state and where Gathering Research And Stories of Paranormal Phenomena got its start. (Public Domain)

By Wayne Thomas
Grand Rapids Ghost Hunters

Nunica Cemetery is on top of the list of most haunted cemeteries in the state. The cemetery is located in Ottawa County’s Crockery Township. Ghost hunters report extreme cold spots, otherworldly voices, orbs and floating lights, the spirit of a little girl, a Civil War hero, and the apparition of a “mysterious lady in white.”

Ideally cemeteries serve as locations for the dead to rest in peace but unfortunately mistakes and disrespectful practices can lead to spiritual unrest.

The rumored ghost activity of Nunica Cemetery has also resulted in the birth of one of the most respected paranormal investigative teams of South West Michigan. Bill and Connie Jones of GRASPP Paranormal say they started their adventure on a “whim” one Halloween night with an “impromptu” ghost hunt at Nunica Cemetery. Gathering Research And Stories of Paranormal Phenomena, G.R.A.S.P.P. has evolved from this spooky inception as ghost hunters to include research and investigations into Bigfoot and other cryptids, as well as ufology. With 15-plus years of experience and accumulated knowledge, this unique husband/wife team of paranormal investigators has learned the importance of being dedicated, honest, and objective. Their promise of confidentiality, their emphasis on debunking such things as orbs, and the decision to become a LLC or limited liability company, elevates GRASPP from other teams.

GRASPP will have its upcoming Paranormal Summit for Paranormal professionals, which is May 14 – 16, at the SS City of Milwaukee located in Manistee. (Public Domain)

GRASPP is based out of Grand Haven with about 10 current full-time members, including sensitives. The team utilizes modern equipment and techniques as well as old school dowsing rods, but it’s the discipline of their methods that separates them from most teams.

GRASPP has always been generous helping and educating, but their passion for paraunity has reached a higher level. In 2018, GRASPP focused on Michigan’s mysterious encounters and brought an impressive list of speakers to Grand Haven for an event that they single-handedly orchestrated. The event, Michigan Ghost Coast Paranormal Convention explored such topics as: Demonology, Cryptozoology, Haunts of Mackinac, and UFO sightings; featuring authors, Amberrose Hammond, Todd Clements, Shetan Noir, and William Konkolesky. The significance and synchronicity of this single event cannot be overstated as it started the ball rolling in all different directions. Last year GRASPP organized and hosted an event on the USS LST 393 in Muskegon and followed that with the first Paranormal Summit on board the SS City of Milwaukee docked in Manistee along with being able to investigate the Coast Guard ship USCGC-Acacia.

GRASPP has scheduled the second Paranormal Summit for Paranormal professionals only, May 14 – 16 again on board the SS City of Milwaukee in Manistee. See the Jones’s on GRGHP episode 29. Find additional info at      

