Marge’s Donut Den–40 Years Strong and Celebrating on June 20th and 21st

Recent pic of Marge's Donut Den with CJ Team
The Citizen Journalism Team of Mike DeWitt and Colleen Pierson get the opportunity to hear Marge Wilson’s stories.

colleen_piersonIt will be a huge celebration.   As well it should be.  Marge’s Donut Den in Wyoming, MI. celebrates its 40th anniversary with entertainment, low prices, food, religious services and fun for the entire family.

Donuts and coffee all day will be priced at 1975 prices at .45 cents.

When Marge opened 40 years ago she put her children to work for $1.00 an hour.

“They had to do their homework and then wash dishes and help.  I earned 00.00 from the bakery, Marge shared.  My total sales from June to the end of the year was $6,000.00.”

Marge juggled a job at Union Bank during the day and the bakery at night.

“The flour bags made a good nap place.  I loved the children who picked out donuts with sprinkles and a toy.  Watching them all grow up has made me love my job all these past 40 years.  Now I get to enjoy their children,” she exclaimed.

So the 40th anniversary will be a time to thank her customers.  It will also be the opportunity for people to see her newly remodeled expansion.  Paul Collins’ Artwork graces the wall and there’s plenty of space in the community room.

Here is the schedule for the 40th celebration:

June 20

4:00a.m. Open–Coffee and donut here or to go is 45 cents

7:00a.m.– Catholic Mass

8:30 Breakfast ( Donation only)

9:00a.m.- Freddie the clown

10:00a.m.- Silvertons

2-4:00p.m.   Grand Rapids Accordians

 June 21

6:00a.m. Open

7:00a.m.  Protestant Service

Noon–Lunch   ( Tickets Only)  $10.00 each

1-4p.m.  Hark Up Group playing Music as a Gift for our Anniversary

Coffee & Donuts are still 45 cents a day.   Dozens to go to regular price.

