Local employment agency offers free webinar to help local businesses

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

How do you manage a remote workforce? How and what to communicate to employees? How do you create an environment that reduces the spread of COVID-19?

These and many more questions are just some of what Express Employment Professionals, with offices in Wyoming, hope to answer during a free webinar Friday, March 20, at 9 a.m. The webinar is open to all business owners and leaders.

“I think at this point we have about 200 people signed up,” said David Robb, director of marketing for Express Employment Professionals. “We certainly are not coronavirus experts but we do want to help inform on some of the best HR practices and some of the legal ramifications.”

Robb said the webinar was a result of many of the questions that the Express Employment associates were hearing from business owners in how to deal with the impacts of the coronavirus. Concerns have included how to best support employees, managing a remote workforce and a workforce that can not be remote, safeguarding the business, and volunteer layoffs versus mandatory layoffs. Other questions have centered around if a company can require self-quarantine and if a company can send an employee home if the person is sick. 

“With the number of people who have registered, we will probably be polling to determine what the top five questions are and go from there,” Robb said, adding that Express Employment Professionals plan do some follow up by making this a series of webinars and videos to help answer questions related to business concerns as the coronavirus continues.

“We just want to aid the businesses and our community,” Robb said. “We do offer training here, but due to the situation, people are not coming in. So we wanted to do something that would be helpful to the businesses by discussing topics of how to respond as a leader and handling the potential mental stress from dealing with the coronavirus.”

To learn more about the webinar or to register, click here.

