Kentwood gets brighter with conversion to LED lights

The City of Kentwood is getting a lot brighter – thanks to a conversion to LED streetlights on primary streets.


Kentwood is joining the growing list of cities making the conversion, swapping out 2,661 of its current high-pressure sodium, or HPS, lights to light-emitting diode, commonly known as LED lights. The project will be completed in four phases and was started last week.


“From now through the end of October, Kentwood will be working with Consumers Energy to convert 489 lights on major streets such as 44th Street, 52nd Street and Eastern Avenue,” Kentwood City Project Manager Dan VanderHeide said. “We are pleased with this partnership, which will allow us to improve lighting while saving money.”


The City of Kentwood LED conversion is one of several similar projects Consumers Energy is working on with local governments across Michigan. In the last two years Consumers Energy has worked with about 50 communities on at least a partial conversion to LED streetlights.


Phase One of Kentwood’s project will save the city more than 193,000 kilowatt hours annually, which translates to enough energy to power about 25 Michigan homes per year. The change to LED lights is the first phase of the project and is expected to save the City more than $35,000 annually in maintenance and repairs.


“Consumers Energy is pleased to collaborate with Kentwood to save the City and its residents both energy and money with this LED streetlight conversion,” said Lisa Gustafson, Consumers Energy’s executive director of business customer care. “As we continue to convert similar LED projects with communities across Michigan, we commend the City of Kentwood for its commitment to an affordable and sustainable energy future.”


Motorists will experience minimal, short-term lane interruptions throughout the City while Consumers Energy switches light fixtures.

