Head down memory lane with a look at West Michigan’s premiere car event, Metro Cruise

A big event at the Metro Cruise has been WKTV’s DreamWheels red carpet event. (WKTV)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

Sometimes it’s a pleasure to leave something in the rear view mirror — such as the entire year of 2020 — and at other times, it’s fun to peek back in that mirror to remember just how the good times roll.

This week, WKTV will be taking a look back at the iconic Metro Cruise, traditionally hosted in late August. Like many events, the Metro Cruise had to be cancelled this year as the community — as well as the nation and the world — battled COVID-19. Disappointing is it was, the decision was made to keep residents and visitors safe, according to Wyoming Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce Bob O’Callaghan, whose organization hosts the annual event that centers around Rogers Plaza.

So for 2020, WKTV put together a special celebration of the annual event in its DreamWheels production set to air Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 8 p.m. and again Saturday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. on Comcast Channel 25 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99. Residents can also see the broadcast on the WKTV.org website.

Getting an unclose look at classic cars has been a key part of the annual Metro Cruise. (Courtesy Bruce Carlson)

The program takes a tour of the Gilmore Car Museum as hosts Kim Carson and Greg Yoder reminisce about some of the major events that have taken place at the cruise. Started in 2005 to help drive business to the 28th Street corridor when the M-6 highway system opened, the Metro Cruise has become a well-known and well-loved West Michigan premiere car event. The event typically draws more than 275,000 people annually from across the United States and includes approximately 15,000 vehicles such as hot rods, low riders, muscle cars, performance cars, classics, antiques and motorcycles, in addition to numerous live events.

Many of these cars were featured on the DreamWheels red carpet event, hosted by WKTV. Some of the cars will be featured in the special such as the Lingenfelter, Auburn Boattail, and Chrysler Woody. Also included is a trip down the 2007 Metro Million and a look at the 2006 Lowrider competition.


The backdrop is the Gilmore Car Museum, a 90-acre historic campus located at 6865 Hickory Road, Hickory Corners (just north of Kalamazoo). Open year-round (except for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day), the Museum has one the largest collections of classic cars providing visitors the opportunity to stroll through automotive history. Many of the buildings have been specifically design for a collection such as the art deco Cadillac dealership that features an array of classic Cadillacs. Residing at the Gilmore is one of the largest collections of Dusenbergs in the United States and during the summer months, there are many local car clubs hosting events for owners to showcase their vehicles. For more about the Gilmore Car Museum. visit gilmorecarmuseum.org.

Also, keep Aug. 20 and 21 open as Callaghan confirmed those will be the dates for the 2021 Metro Cruise, which planning already is underway. For more information on the 2021 Metro Cruise, visit 28thstreetmetrocruise.com.

The Gilmore Car Museum served as the backdrop to the 2020 DreamWheels production. (Supplied)

