Government Matters: Protecting the Great Lakes


In response to recent moves by the White House

  1. ordering a hold on the release of a tentative plan to stop Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes by strengthening a choke point in the Chicago waterway system, and
  2. slashing EPA funding that pays for Great Lakes pollution cleanup by 97 percent (which would virtually eliminate annual Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) funding)

Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI), Congressman Mike Bishop (R-MI) and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) led a bipartisan letter to President Trump requesting that he personally intervene to help protect the Great Lakes by releasing the first draft f the Brandon Road Report. The letter also respectfully requests President Trump to instruct the Army Corps of Engineers to continue working with state and local officials, as well as Great Lakes stakeholders, to implement a long-term solution for keeping Asian Carp out of the Great Lakes. The bipartisan letter is signed by 26 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.


“In order to protect both the ecosystem and the economy of the Great Lakes, we must have complete, accurate, and reliable information from the Army Corps of Engineers,” said Congressman Bill Huizenga. “Delaying the release of the Brandon Road Lock and Dam evaluation does nothing to stop the threat Asian Carp and other invasive species pose to the largest freshwater ecosystem on the planet. By slow walking this important information, the federal government is jeopardizing the livelihood of hardworking families in Michigan and across the Great Lakes Basin. Time is of the essence.”


The text of the letter to President Trump is available online here.

