Feel Like You Belong: Sharing the passion for the rhythms of life

Alan Headbloom
Feel Like You Belong

At an early age, singer/songwriter Netty Bruce Manga, stage name Ney-T, discovered he had a knack for music as he was able to distinguish the different parts of harmony.

From the West African nation of Senegal (bordered by Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Gambia, and Mauritania), Manga recently sat down with Feel Like You Belong host to talk about his home country and his “passion for the rhythms of life.”

Netty Bruce Manga (WKTV)

Manga said that his mother was directing him more to what people call “respected jobs” such as a lawyer or engineer.

“But when I discovered my passion for music, it was a very big discussion,” Manga said during the interview.

Manga continued to head down a different career path until he bought himself his first guitar while in college. It was with that guitar that he discovered just how much music meant to him and that he needed to follow the calling.

For more of Manga’s music, visit nettybrucemanga.com. For more from Feel Like You Belong, visit feellikeyoubelong.com.

