Employment Expertise: Job Search Buzzwords — LinkedIn


By West Michigan Works!

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is week four of our five-week series on job search buzzwords.


What is LinkedIn?


Dictionary definition: a business and employment-oriented social networking service that operates via websites.

Our definition: a networking tool that acts as part resume, portfolio, letters of reference and social media. The social media aspect allows you to highlight your personality as well as your professional experience.

How do I make LinkedIn work for me?

Your LinkedIn profile should represent how you want to be seen by your network and potential employers. All of the topics discussed in our job search buzzwords series can help you build your profile:

  • Use the site to network with trusted contacts.
  • Strengthen your brand by including personal information you wouldn’t include on a resume.
  • Use your elevator speech as your headline or in the summary section.

With this knowledge and the five tips below, you will be on your way to creating a strong presence on LinkedIn.

  • Stay up to date. Be sure to include your most recent positions, responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • Get personal. You should always be professional. However, LinkedIn is a great way to let your network and potential employers understand you better. Include volunteer experience, interests and causes you are passionate about.
  • Give. LinkedIn allows you to write recommendations for others in your network as well as endorse them for skills. Start endorsing, and they may endorse you back.
  • Engage. The site allows you to follow posts about business-related topics or posts from different industries and companies. Read, share and comment on posts that interest you.
  • Make sure your profile is error free. In addition to proofing for typos, spelling or grammatical mistakes, make sure your information is correct and accurately portrays your accomplishments. Do not exaggerate.

Employment Expertise is provided by West Michigan Works! Learn more about how they can help: visit westmiworks.org or your local Service Center.


