DTE grant and new masterplan a boost to City of Wyoming’s tree canopy

Volunteers help plant trees in local neighborhoods. (Supplied)

By WKTV Staff

The City of Wyoming Tree Commission, “The Tree Amigos,” is celebrating some great news for the city’s tree canopy. For one, not only did the DTE Energy Tree Planting Grant Program approve their grant application, but the foundation is awarding an extra $1,000 above the requested $2,000. As The Tree Amigos has budgeted $1,000 of its own funds for the planting, $4,000 is now available for the purchase and delivery of up to 25, eight-to-ten-foot trees. The Tree Amigos has more than a dozen residents signed up to receive a tree but is still looking for a few more. Volunteers will plant the trees the mornings of October 2 and 16. Residents will receive a tree free of charge but are required to help plant it and commit to maintaining the tree.


In addition, the new City of Wyoming Master Plan calls for the city to set a tree canopy goal. City planner Nicole Hoffert asked for the Tree Commission’s recommendation. The commission requested Wyoming’s goal be 40%, the same goal as many cities have set, including the City of Grand Rapids. Currently, Wyoming has an approximate tree canopy of 13.5%, as determined by an iTree survey that looks at aerial photographs. 

The Master Plan also calls for a more rigorous tree survey to be done in the future. Having a comprehensive survey will provide the City with data needed to plan not only where to plant more trees, but also how to develop a maintenance plan that preserves the mature trees already growing here. The survey will also provide data on the economic value that Wyoming’s trees provide when it comes to stormwater retention, pavement life, energy savings, reducing carbon footprint, and removing toxins from the air. 


“Establishing the 40% canopy goal and having a comprehensive tree survey commissioned are two items at the very top of our wishlist. We are thrilled that the City is taking action on these,” says Estelle Slootmaker, chair, The Tree Amigos. “We also look forward to sharing insights with Nicole as the city develops a new tree ordinance that will better preserve the beautiful mature trees that we have and create a blueprint for planting more trees.”

Cities around the world are recognizing the important role of trees in mitigating climate change, maintaining storm sewer systems, making neighborhoods safer, increasing property values, and reducing health impacts of air pollution and stress.


“Wyoming’s slogan is ‘City of vision and progress.’ Only when we have a true vision of the important role trees play as part of our city’s infrastructure will we, as a city, be able to make sustainable progress environmentally and economically—and create a safer, healthier, happier place to live and work,” Slootmaker says.

