Drive-Thru Santa from the Comfort of your Car

Drive-Thru SantaTechnology makes everyday life go faster. Automobiles and airplanes allow us to travel much quicker than horses and boats, the internet keeps us up to date on daily events at the drop of a hat, and cell phones allow communication to flow quickly and effortlessly. The need for speed creeps into all aspects of everyday life, including visiting Santa.

Wait a minute, visiting Santa?

Here comes Drive-Thru Santa Claus, an event put on by the Kentwood Parks and Recreation Department. Visitors have the opportunity to drive to the “North Pole” and get a picture taken with Santa from the comfort of their own car! From there you can talk to Santa, take a selfie, and then drive safely out of the lot and on your merry way.

A new tradition bound to make a quick, effortless, and unique Christmas experience.

If the idea of a Drive-Thru Santa piques your interest, make sure to stop by the Kentwood Activities Center from 6-8pm on Friday, December 11. The cost is $3 per car, cash only, and the last car will be admitted at 7:45pm.

Santa takes time out of his busy day to fly his sleigh to your house on Christmas, the least you can do is drive your car to see him. Make sure to bring your selfie stick!

