Community Job Fair Looking to Double in 2016

job fair 2By: Mike DeWitt


With the start of a New Year comes resolutions and a promise of a brighter tomorrow. For those who lost a job or are looking for a different career path, a job fair can be a beacon of hope in the dense fog of uncertainty. Thanks to Kentwood Community Church and West Michigan Works!, there’s a bright, shining beacon every month right here in Wyoming, Michigan.


The Community Job Fair is held monthly at the Wyoming Campus of Kentwood Community Church. The event brings in 40 businesses looking to fill over 1,000 immediate openings! 2015 marked the first full calendar year of the event, and the results were eye-popping.

The shakers behind the KCC Job Fair: From left, Kristina Herron, administrative assistant, Pastor Rich Avery and Jayne Lindblom with Michigan Works!
The shakers behind the KCC Job Fair: From left, Kristina Herron, Community Engagement Coordinator, Pastor Rich Avery and Jayne Lindblom with Michigan Works!


“Last year we hosted 161 local employers and over 1,800 job seekers,” explains Community Engagement Coordinator, Kristina Herron.


While those numbers are impressive in year one, there’s reason to believe they can go even higher… much higher.


“We’re hoping to double our number of job seekers,” adds Herron. “We just started advertising and putting out promos towards the end of last year. We ran our first ad in October and saw immediate feedback. We’re to the point where employers have to pay to attend and we have a wait list! I don’t think it’s a stretch to double our attendance.”


That type of growth is impressive, and it’s a testament to the work Kentwood Community Church and West Michigan Works! have put in.


The job fair is free for all job seekers regardless of age or experience level.


While no longer free for employers, it’s an inviting atmosphere that works in their best interest. Employers are offered coffee, a comfortable sized booth, and a bevy of potential employees all in one place. One employer was encouraged by their peers to join the Community Job Fair because “it’s the best in the area!”


There’s a reason a wait list exists.job fair


“Back in June, we accidentally overbooked and had 50 employers,” recounts Herron. “I think that was the moment I realized ’This is big time, it’s here to stay.’”


It’s important for any job fair to get both employers and potential employees into the door, but what makes a job fair have staying power is its ability to create jobs. At the Community Job Fair, job seekers must come prepared to find a new job. Several employers have interviewed and hired right on the spot!


With all the success in 2015, not only is the job fair here to stay, but it’s future is brighter than ever. Make sure to stop by.


Who: Kentwood Community Church & West Michigan Works!
What: Community Job Fair
When: January 13 from 9:00am – 12:00pm
Where: Wyoming Campus of Kentwood Community Church, 2950 Clyde Park Ave SW, Wyoming, Michigan 49509
Why: To find a job and build a new future!


Future Dates: February 10 and March 9

Community Job Fair

