City of Wyoming hosts annual Candy Cane Hunt Dec. 8

Candy Cane Hunt

WKTV Staff


Linus had his “Great Pumpkin” patch, the City of Wyoming has the Great Candy Cane Hunt, which is set for Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Wyoming Senior Center, 2380 DeHoop SW.


Children ages 3-14 are invited to hunt for the many hidden candy canes outside. Then everyone will head indoors for games, a craft project, and lunch with the man of the season, Santa. Children will have to the opportunity to meet with Santa and give them their holiday wish list. 


Pre-registration is required for the event. It is $5 for residents, $7 for non-residents, and $2 parents and others. 


To register click, here. For questions call 616-530-3164 or email

