Catherine’s Health Center: Quality care — with compassion

Marilyn discusses her health with registered nurse Linda Lanning at a recent appointment

By Ron Rozema, Catherine’s Health Center


Life handed Marilyn a set of hard blows when her husband died unexpectedly; her cleaning and phone-answering businesses were foreclosed by the IRS in the aftermath of his death, and she had spinal surgery — all within a year. She had no insurance and needed Catherine’s for her medical care, including medications.


Insurance premiums and the cost of medications still are out of reach, although she now is exploring Medicare coverage.


Ten years ago, a friend who also is a patient encouraged her to try Catherine’s. A long history of high blood pressure unresponsive to treatment, other health complications and a lack of insurance meant she needed care she couldn’t get elsewhere.


“Dr. Jack (Walen) immediately sent me to the emergency room because my blood pressure was so high. He’s the only one who has helped me keep it down,” she said.


Although she is thrilled with the medical care and improvement she has seen, it is the way she is treated that really touches her heart.


“Candy at the desk is my friend now, the nurses make your heart happy, and the fellowship is just wonderful!” Marilyn said. “If you didn’t know it, you would have no clue that you didn’t have insurance.


“I’m getting the best health care of my life,” Marilyn said, smiling.


