Believe It or Not (not!) – Spring is Right Around the Corner!


Really, it is. I couldn’t believe it myself but when I went to schedule something on my calendar for next month, there it was March 20 First Day of Spring.

That’s exactly one month from today when the high temperature might reach 13 degrees later this afternoon without wind chills factored into the equation.

While the calendar doesn’t lie, Mother Nature likes to tease us. Just last Sunday afternoon when it was sunny with minus wind chills, my friends and I saw two robins flirting about a tree surrounded by a five-foot drift! It was confusing for sure – “Hey robins! Yeah! Spring!” Then we realized the pile of snow. “Wait – what? How are they going survive without eating worms?! – Won’t they die? – What are they doing here NOW?” 

We remain baffled and wondering if they survived the week.

Meanwhile, back to the calendar that doesn’t lie, it is true that the first day of Spring is Friday, March 20. I can say with confidence that about a million Americans are ready for it! We just need to send the memo to Mother Nature. Here is what the “2015 Farmer’s Almanac” predicts:

MARCH 2015: temperature 33° (5° below avg.); precipitation 2″ (1″ below avg.); Mar 1-10: Snow showers, cold; Mar 11-14: Showers, mild; Mar 15-24: Snow, then flurries, cold; Mar 25-31: Snow, then a few showers, cool.

That sounds about par with what we’re going through now, but I’d like to pray for the miracle of a warm spell. Mother Nature, it’s your game. We are but mere pawns in your strategy. In the meantime, think Spring people! Think really hard!

