Be safe: trick-or-treat safety tips for kids, parents

Halloween is a great time for kids. The Michigan State Police want to keep it that way. (Supplied)


By Michigan State Police


Halloween is filled with excitement and spooky tricks, but with Halloween being the deadliest night of the year for pedestrians, the Michigan State Police is reminding parents to make safety a priority. 


On average, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. 


“Part of enjoying Halloween festivities is recognizing possible dangers and taking precautions,” said Community Service Trooper Martin Miller, Rockford Post. “There are potential risks involved with trick-or-treating, but with the proper safety measures everyone can have an enjoyable and safe Halloween.”


Trick-or-treat safety tips include:


Children of any age should be accompanied by an adult.


Cross the street only at corners or crosswalks. Do not cross the street between parked cars.


Carry a flashlight. Wear light-colored or reflective-type clothing so you are more visible.


Accept treats at the door and never go into a stranger’s house. Only visit homes that have the porch light on.


Stay in familiar neighborhoods. Plan your route and share it with your family. Stay in a group.


Stay in populated and well-lit areas.  Do not cut through back alleys or fields.


Make sure all costumes are flame retardant.  Avoid walking too close to open fires, candles and jack-o-lanterns.


Make sure an adult inspects all candy before eating it.  Do not eat candy that is already opened.


Be sure to follow community curfew rules.


