A regular Marge’s Donut Den meeting group hosts event focused on Wyoming-based foundation

Father Peter Omogo with villagers celebrate the opening of a new well in 2020. (SOF)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

Marge Wilson remembers watching a woman make the sign of the cross just before putting a cup underneath a fountain to get water.

Clean water is an essential need in many third world countries. Polluted water isn’t just dirty, it’s deadly, according to the Koshland Science Museum. Some 1.8 million people die every year of diarrheal diseases like cholera because they drink dirty water. Tens of millions of others are seriously sickened by a host of water-related ailments, many of which are preventable if these people had access to clean drinking water.

It is why Wilson, the owner of Marge’s Donut Den, in 2012 decided to start the Samual Omogo Foundation, which is dedicated to building water wells in villages in Southeastern Nigeria. The foundation is named after Samuel Omogo, a Nigerian man who dedicated his life to improving the lives of people in Nigerian villages. He was well known for his philanthropic deeds of visiting the sick, bringing food, clothing and school supplies to those in need.


“I think Samuel is a man who did so much for his people that I am grateful that his children can see all those wells and say ‘Daddy made a difference in everybody’s life,’” Wilson said in an interview for the foundation.

The Samuel Omogo Foundation will be the focus of the next Mr. Sid’s Video Series Thursday, Aug. 11, at 2 p.m. at Marge’s Donut Den, 1751 28th St. SW.

“Our Mr. Sid accomplished many things during his lifetime. Maybe what he was most proud of was he and Beulah’s many service trips to support John and Atts Devries and the work of Mission India,” said Tom Sibly, one of the organizers of the Mr. Sid’s Video program. Sid Lenger was a World War II veteran who loved to share his stories and video travelogues. He passed away in 2019 at the age of 100. Friends and family have continued the video series that have expanded to include special events.

Sibley said the Samuel Omogo Foundation seemed a natural extension to Mr. Sid’s passion of helping people.

Father Peter Omogo will be presenting at the Thursday program. Father Peter will talk about the creation of the Samuel Omogo Foundation, it’s work and his journey that has taken him from Nigeria to West Michigan. Coffee and cookies will be provided after the program.

The next event for the Sid’s Video Series will a Mr. Sid’s birthday program on Sept. 8.

Clean water is one the biggest essential needs in many third world countries. (SOF)

